
MEPs Protest Oppressive Vaccine Passports

MEPs Protest "Oppressive" Vaccine Passports, Question Why "Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard" Excerpt from a speech by Christine Anderson, European Parliament.


Source: BREXIT-BOX TV YouTube channel.




Christine Anderson, European Parliament


Why Lockdowns Offer the Perfect Opportunity to Teach Kids about Liberty and Government

Image Credit: Pixabay

Parents can help children choose freedom over force, and ensure that these lockdowns never, ever happen again.


Author: Kerry McDonald


Original source can be read here.



Four things only libertarians can see about COVID-19

Author: Jim Babka

31. March, 2020

A new form of political correctness has spread, like a virus, across the fruited plain. Libertarians are taking heat – getting angry responses for criticizing governors who have used the spread of COVID-19 to issue edicts that shutter businesses and impose martial law-like schemes.


Četiri stvari koje samo libertarijanci uočavaju o koronavirus epidemiji

Autor: Jim Babka

31. mart, 2020

Novi oblik političke korektnosti se proširio kao virus po plodonosnoj ravnici. Libertarijanci su se našli pod žestokom vatrom zbog kritikovanja državnika koji su koristili širenje koronavirusa COVID-19 za izdavanje direktiva kojima se zatvaraju biznisi i nameću sheme slične vojnim zakonima.

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