August 2013

Failure of Yugoslavia's Worker Self-management: Kardelj vs. Friedman

A select look into some of the flaws of Yugoslavia's worker self-management enterprises and their failed privatization

There exist few other topics that are still subject of such hard felt emotions and bitterness towards politicians in the countries of the former Yugoslavia as the fact that there are still thousands of factories rotting throughout the region and are being sold off in secret auctions for no more than the mere value of the land they are sitting on. Literally nobody is willing to accept the reality that all that supposed wealth which generations of people built during the previous regime has in the past two decades been meeting this kind of inglorious end. “We already have so many factories, if politicians would only open them for business, we'd all be employed,” people would often say.


Ritualized warfare

Video was made after riots in Vancouver after the 2011. It talks of ritualized warfare in the stands and in front of TV, sadly usual everywhere and always , and of course preparation for a war .
... think for yourselves.
" Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, ' the people ' , and epochs , it is the rule . " - Friedrich Nietzsche

Translated and edited by Savo Gajić
( video at the bottom of the transcript )
transcript :
There is disgraceful "agreement" which "your country"and your culture will offer you. In so much that they'll provide a substitute for self-esteem, self-interest for replacement of your authenticity and self-realization.

Milton Friedman on Intellectuals and Businessmen as the Biggest Enemies of Free Enterprise

How can we protect free enterprise? Will the intellectuals help us? How about the businessmen?  There is a dramatic difference between saying you are pro-business and saying you are pro-free enterprise or pro-capitalism. Do you want lots of competition for yourself or do you want special treatment while everyone else faces competition? Milton Friedman explains the difference.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic


Milton Friedman o intelektualcima i biznismenima kao najvećim neprijateljima slobodnog preduzetništva

Kako možemo da zaštitimo slobodno preduzetništvo? Da li će nam u tome pomoći intelektualci? A preduzetnici? Postoji dramatična razlika između toga kada kažemo da smo pro-biznis i da smo za slobodno preduzetništvo - odnosno kapitalizam. Da li želimo puno konkurencije za sebe, ili želimo poseban tretman dok se svi ostali suočavaju sa konkurencijom?  Milton Friedman objašnjava razlike.

Preveo: Jadranko Brkić


Rexlegis - prvi privatni sud u Hrvatskoj

Što manje države to bolje!  Da tržište može ponuditi rješenje za sve probleme pokazuje primjer tvrtke Rexlegis, prvog domaćeg privatnog suda u Republici Hrvatskoj, gdje se arbitražne odluke donose u roku od mjesec dana.

O sudištu:
Rexlegis je brža, kvalitetnija i povoljnija alternativa parničnim postupcima pred državnim sudovima. Privatno sudište Rexlegis osnovano je kao odgovor na evidentnu nemogućnost pravosudnih tijela da postupke rješavaju u razumnom roku, te iznimno visoke troškove ostvarivanja zaštite prava pred državnim sudovima.

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Država ne može čovjeka učiniti bogatijim, ali ga međutim može učiniti siromašnijim

"Država ne može čovjeka učiniti bogatijim ... ali ga međutim može učiniti siromašnijim." - Ludwig von Mises


Government cannot make a man richer, but it can make him poorer

"Government cannot make a man richer ... but it can make him poorer." - Ludwig von Mises


Businessman Cannot Force You ...

"A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss.  A bureaucrat forces you to obey his decisions, whether you agree with him or not ...  If he makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you, in the form of heavier taxes." - Ayn Rand


Biznismen vas ne može natjerati

"Biznismen vas ne može natjerati da kupite njegov proizvod; ako pogriješi, on trpi posljedice; ako on nije uspješan, on ima gubitak. Birokrata vas tjera da poštujete njegove odluke, bez obzira da li se slažete sa njima ili ne ... Ako on pogriješi, vi snosite posljedice; ako je on neuspješan, on gubitak prenosi na vas, u obliku viših poreza." - Ayn Rand


Libertarians are so Selfish ...

Libertarians are so selfish.  They won't let me decide how their money is spent.

