Unsustainable Pension: A Story of Economics and Morality of Public Pension Systems
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Submitted by yadranko on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 16:33
Lecture: "Unsustainable pension - A Story of Economics and Morality of Public Pension Systems" at European Students for Liberty Regional Conference in Belgrade on 3rd of November 2012.
Lecturer: Pavle Mihajlovic, young Serbian economist, blogger at Club von Neumann (http://clubvonneumann.blogspot.com/), journalist and commentator for several national newspapers and magazines. Received his B.Sc. and M.A. in Economic Analysis and Policy from Faculty of Economics at University of Belgrade. Worked as public policy analyst on several projects of Liberterian club (http://libek.org.rs/en) and MPO (http://www.izdrzavanje.rs).
Video source: LibertarijanskiKlub YouTube channel