In an appendix to 1984, George Orwell wrote a chapter on “Newspeak,” and he talked about how language could be vitiated and changed and thereby change our thoughts.
U dodatku knjige “1984,” George Orwell je napisao poglavlje “Newspeak” - “Novogovor,” gdje je govorio o tome kako bi jezik mogao biti izokrenuti promijenjen tako da bi se time mogle promijeniti naše misli.
Ovo nije prvi put da se u ovoj dvorani osjećam kao da sam pao kroz neku rupu u prostorno-vremenskom kontinuumu, neku deformaciju ili tunel koji me je odnijeo nazad u 1970te.
Not for the first time in this chamber I feel like fallen through some kink in the space-time continuum, some warp or tunnel that has led me back to the 1970s.