Edvard Kardelj

Propast jugoslovenskog samoupravljanja: Kardelj nasuprot Friedmana

Analiza nekih od nedostataka jugoslovenskog radničkog samoupravljanja i njihov negativan odraz na privatizaciju samoupravnih preduzeća nakon pada komunizma u regionu


Failure of Yugoslavia's Worker Self-management: Kardelj vs. Friedman

A select look into some of the flaws of Yugoslavia's worker self-management enterprises and their failed privatization

There exist few other topics that are still subject of such hard felt emotions and bitterness towards politicians in the countries of the former Yugoslavia as the fact that there are still thousands of factories rotting throughout the region and are being sold off in secret auctions for no more than the mere value of the land they are sitting on. Literally nobody is willing to accept the reality that all that supposed wealth which generations of people built during the previous regime has in the past two decades been meeting this kind of inglorious end. “We already have so many factories, if politicians would only open them for business, we'd all be employed,” people would often say.

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