Daniel Hannan

Daniel Hannan - Our moment of liberty is coming to an end

Man's nature is tribal, hierarchical and collectivist. The "new normal" that follows the lockdowns was, in reality, normal everywhere until a couple of centuries ago. The brief interglacial is ending. Ahead lies endless ice.  Source: DanHannan YouTube channel.


Daniel Hannan - The EU Racket

Mr President, it is always about the money, is it not. How much time we spend in this Chamber talking about transfers of cash! We never think about the debilitating effect it can have on individuals, on whole professions, consultants and contractors, and the people who have learned how to make a living out of the Brussels institution, even on whole nations who are encouraged to look beyond their borders for every rise in life. Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments, European Parliament, Thursday, 15 June 2017 – Strasbourg. Source: DanHannan YouTube channel.


Daniel Hannan - EU reket

Gospodine predsjedniče, uvijek se radi o novcu, zar ne. Koliko vremena provodimo u ovoj komori govoreći o transferima novca! Mi nikada ne razmišljamo o onesposobljavajućem efektu koje to može imati na pojedince, na čitave profesije, konsultanate i izvođače radova, i na ljude koji su naučili kako da žive od briselskih institucija, čak i na čitave nacije koje su podstaknute da gledaju dalje od svojih granica za svaki uspon u životu. Debata: Implementacija evropskog fonda za strateške investicije, Evropski parament, Strazburg, 15. juni, 2017.

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