ožujka 2018

Irresident Interview About Blockchain Technology for Coatian Nova TV

Owners of the Croatian blockchain company Irresident interviewed by Nova TV, following their lecture titled "Reconciling the Irreconcilable: Public Blockchain & Old School Finance", at “Enter the Blockchain” conference at the at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

The lecture was attended by key people of the Croatian blockchain scene, distinguished professors of economics, members of the boards of leading Croatian banks, entrepreneurs, attorneys, and members of the Croatian Central Bank working group responsible for proposing blockchain asset regulation in Republic of Croatia.


Irresident intervju o Blockchain tehnologiji za Novu TV

Vlasnici hrvatske blockchain kompanije Irresident u intervjuu za Novu TV, nakon njihovog predavanja pod nazivom "Pomirenje nepomirljivog: javni blockchain i stara škola financija", na "Enter the Blockchain" konferenciji na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, Hrvatska.

Predavanju su prisustvovali ključni ljudi hrvatske blockchain scene, istaknuti profesori ekonomije, članovi odbora vodećih hrvatskih banaka, preduzetnici, advokati i članovi radne grupe Hrvatske centralne banke odgovorne za predlaganje blockchain regulacije u Republici Hrvatskoj.


David Coburn – Why Should the European Union Tell Other Countries What Their Taxes Should Be?

“I don't see why the European Union should use its weight casting about the world in some sort of neo-colonial sort of way, to tell other countries what their taxes should be or the taxes should not be.” David Coburn, UKIP MEP. European Parliament, Brussels, 28 February 2018.


Zašto bi Evropska unija trebala određivati drugim zemljama kakve poreze trebaju imati?

“Ja ne vidim zašto bi Evropska unija trebala da koristi svoj politički uticaj u svijetu da na nekakav neo-kolonijalan način vrši pritisak i određuje drugim zemljama kakvi bi njihovi porezi trebali da budu ili kakvi ne bi trebali da budu.” David Coburn, UKIP MEP. Evropski parlament, Brisel, 28. februar, 2018.
