Tho Bishop

"The Great Reset" Is the Road to Socialism Mises Warned Us About

Author: Tho Bishop


Through the sheer power of his intellectual output, Ludwig von Mises established himself as one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century. His work Human Action remains a foundational text of the Austrian school. His critique outlining the impracticality of socialism was vindicated with the fall of the Soviet Union and remains without a serious intellectual challenge today.



"Veliki reset" je put u socijalizam o kojem je Mises upozoravao

Autor: Tho Bishop


Čistom snagom svog intelektualnog rada, Ludwig von Mises se etablirao kao jedan od najvažnijih intelektualaca dvadesetog vijeka. Njegovo djelo 'Ljudska akcija' ostaje temeljni tekst Austrijske škole ekonomije. Njegova kritika koja ocrtava nepraktičnost socijalizma potvrđena je padom Sovjetskog Saveza i danas stoji bez ozbiljnog intelektualnog izazova.


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