Conversation with Dr. David Friedman about some of the solutions and potential issues of anarcho-capitalism, as well as possible ways of advancing ideas of free society and turning them into reality. Part 4: Private vs Public Land Ownership.
Interview by Jadranko Brkic, Managing Director at Freedom and Prosperity TV: libertarian network of alternative media in Western Balkans. Hong Kong, May 21st, 2014.
Razgovor sa doktorom Davidom Friedmanom o nekim od rješenja njegove verzije anarho-kapitalizma, o potencijalnim problemima anarho-kapitalizma, kao i mogućim načinima ostvarenja slobodnog društva. Četvrti dio: Privatno i javno vlasništvo zemljišta.
Intervjuisao Jadranko Brkic. Hong Kong, 21. maj, 2014.
Filozofija Ayn Rand za život na zemlji - objektivizam - podržava objektivnu realnost, razum, lični interes, i tržišni kapitalizam. Ona vidi pojedinca kao junaka i njegovu vlastitu sreću drži svetom. Izvor: Ayn Rand Institute YouTube kanal. Saznajte više na adresi
Ayn Rand's philosophy for living on Earth - Objectivism - upholds objective reality, reason, rational self-interest, and laissez-faire capitalism. It places the individual as hero and his own happiness as sacred. Source: Ayn Rand Institute YouTube channel. Find out more at
Razgovor sa doktorom Davidom Friedmanom o nekim od rješenja njegove verzije anarho-kapitalizma, o potencijalnim problemima anarho-kapitalizma, kao i mogućim načinima ostvarenja slobodnog društva. Treći dio: Ograničenja NAP principa neagresije i zaštita nezaštićenih.
Intervjuisao Jadranko Brkic. Hong Kong, 21. maj, 2014.
Conversation with Dr. David Friedman about some of the solutions and potential issues of anarcho-capitalism, as well as possible ways of advancing ideas of free society and turning them into reality. Part 3: Limitations of the Non-aggression Principle (NAP) & Protecting the Unprotected.
Interview by Jadranko Brkic, Managing Director at Freedom and Prosperity TV: libertarian network of alternative media in Western Balkans. Hong Kong, May 21st, 2014.
Prije početka prvog evropskog parlamentarnog zasedanja, 24 poslanika britanske stranke UKIP su održali marš za slobodu u svrhu obilježavanja njihovog rada za slobodu ljudi od zakona i rasipništva EU.
Na početku sjednice, kada je EU himna zasvirala, UKIP poslanici stajali su leđima okrenutim prema EU zastavi.
Odgovarajući na oba događaja, zamjenik lidera UKIP poslanik Paul Nutall je rekao: "Mi ne priznajemo niti poštujemo zastavu i himnu EU. Oboje su simboli naše podređenosti unutar političke zajednice koja britanski narod odbija."
"Mi ćemo učiniti sve što možemo u Evropskom parlamentu da se suprotstavimo Federalnom sistemu koji ignoriše našu nacionalnu demokratiju i gura milione ljudi širom Evrope u siromaštvo i nezaposlenost. Mi stojimo za naš narod, a ne za zastavu i himnu EU."
Before the start of the first European Parliamentary session, 24 UKIP MEPs held a March for Freedom to signify their work for the freedom of people from EU legislation and waste.
At the beginning of the session, as the EU anthem was played, UKIP MEPs stood and turned their back on the EU flag.
Responding to both events, UKIP Deputy leader Paul Nuttall MEP said: "We don't recognise or respect the EU flag or anthem. They are both symbols of our servitude inside a political union which the British people reject.
"We will do everything we can in European Parliament to oppose the Federalist system which ignores our national democracy and pushes millions of people across Europe into poverty and unemployment. We stand up for our people, not the EU flag and anthem.