Charlie Kirk responds to a student question about the value of of College education

Charlie Kirk:

Tilt it up, yeah.


Student: Yeah, no problem. I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I'm just curious about your stance on College as a scam, because I feel like according to the Hamilton Institute, people who get Bachelor degrees over a total lifetime earnings will earn over $ million more than those who don't. And also I feel like college is an important place for people to like go learn valuable life lessons, and also it's good to have like a balanced Society because then you're going to get artists, you're also going to get architectures you're going to get engineers, you're going to get all sorts of different people that we need in society. Because, like what's the point in living if we don't have writers or artists, you know. So I just want to get your take on that.


Charlie Kirk: The question is do the best writers learn to write in college? Probably not. No. The best writers are gifted writing and they learn to write by writing. And I would just argue that this kind of holistic view you get, for example... What are you studying? Can I ask?


Student: Economics.


Charlie Kirk: Okay. So what do you think of Thomas Sowell?


Student: I actually really like him. I bought his book basic economics. He's one of the first economists...


Charlie Kirk: Do they teach it here?


Student: Not yet, but also...


Charlie Kirk: So now you're proving my point, if you're studying economics and not teaching Thomas Soul you're not getting an education, you're getting an indoctrination, and you're being scammed.


Milton Freedman, do they teach Milton Freedman here? No, but I'm aware of him. Okay. Ludwig von Mises?


Student: I'm aware of him, but no.


Charlie Kirk: Murray Rothbard?


Student: No.


Charlie Kirk: F.A. Hayek?


Student: No.


Charlie Kirk: Frederick Bastiat?


Student: No.


Charlie Kirk:

You're not getting economics education, you're getting an indoctrination. You should know every single … it's not your fault, but what you're paying for or going into debt for is not a real economic education. Those are the people that theorized about free markets and which is a legitimate School of thinking: monetarism, private property rights, and the fact that you, and not I'm not criticizing you, I'm criticizing the institution that's failing you, that you don't know what these people believe and you're not being taught that rigorously, proves my point that college is a scam.


Student: Yeah, but again I've only been here like a semester and a half, so …


Charlie Kirk: Do you know who John Maynard Keynes is?


Student: I heard of him actually, we did read about him a little bit.


Charlie Kirk: Okay so you read about John Maynard Keynes …


Student: Yeah, in class


Charlie Kirk:

Right, so that's my point is that they'll teach you Keynes but they won't teach you one out of the seven people that I mentioned of: Bastiat, Hayek von Mises, Rothbard, Sowell, or Friedman. And that proves my point, which is that it's all demand side, it's all one picture of an economic argument that is not the complete picture of what … Now, maybe later on you'll get a supply side you know economics teacher here, but this idea that you go to college to kind of get your worldview liberated yet you get your worldview altered to be perfectly honest. Secondly to your point of earnings over a period of time it matters completely and solely on what you study. If you study the liberal arts, even after years, a study came out yesterday, lowest paid Majors happen to be some of the highest Majors that people actually go and study, which is liberal arts you know, sociology. God bless people that do that stuff I suppose, but you're also filled with all of the woke rubbish that is infecting our society.

Source:  Turning Point USA