Critical Thinking in an era of Complicity Theorists
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Title: Critical Thinking in an era of Complicity Theorists
Author: Lucas Nunes
Source: Libertarian Europe
Critical thinking is more important than ever in times where the establishment accuses of Conspiracy Theory the voices that are contrary to their interests
Conspiracy Theory is a fashionable term, but now it is being used against anyone who dares to question a mainstream narrative. People who are concerned about certain events or ideas are being treated like heretics that should burn at a stake if they dare to question the government, the mainstream media, the academic world, big corporations and other authorities.
This article is not about endorsing conspiracy theories and denying their existence; they do exist. But it is important to remind about how dangerous it is to become a “complicity theorist”, that means, someone who is willing to comply to whatever narrative is being spread by any kind of “authority”, disregarding the veracity of its content.
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