Michael Strong

John Stossel: Regions Around the World Want Independence - Let Them Leave!

Regions around the world want independence from countries that control them. John Stossel says if people want to secede - let them!


Regioni širom svijeta žele nezavisnost - pustimo ih da se otcijepe!

Regioni širom svijeta žele nezavisnost od zemalja koje ih kontrolišu. John Stossel i Michael Strong kažu da ako ljudi žele da se otcijepe – ostavimo ih na miru, neka idu svojim putem!


Enrich the Poor

Could floating nations enrich the poor? Humanitarian Michael Strong thinks they can. The Seasteading Institute fosters the work of aquapreneurs who seek to solve humanity's most dire emergencies by building floating nations on the sea.

Source: seasteading YouTube channel. Find out more at http://www.seasteading.org


Obogatimo siromašne

Da li bi plutajuće zemlje mogle obogatiti siromašne? Humanitarac Michael Strong misli da mogu. Seasteading Institut podstiče rad vodo-preduzetnika koji žele da riješe najteže vanredne situacije čovječanstva izgradnjom plutajućih zemalja na moru.

Izvor: seasteading YouTube kanal. Saznajte više na adresi http://www.seasteading.org

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