veljače 2017

The European Union has no future at all in its current form - Nigel Farage

“Mr Verhofstadt this morning said that people want more Europe; they don’t, the people want less Europe. And we see this again and again when people have referendums and they reject aspects of EU membership.” Nigel Farage, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 14 February 2017. Source: europarl YouTube channel.


Evropska unija nema budućnost u svom sadašnjem obliku - Nigel Farage

"Gospodin Verhofstadt je jutros rekao da ljudi žele više Evrope; oni to ne žele, ljudi žele manje Evrope. I mi to vidimo iznova svaki put kada ljudi izlaze na referendume i odbacuju aspekte članstva EU." Nigel Farage, Evropski parlament, Strazburg, 14. februar, 2017. Izvor: europarl YouTube kanal.


Socialism fails because government can't determine market values

Socialism fails because government can't determine market values.


Socijalizam ne funkcioniše zato što država može određivati tržišne vrijednosti

Socijalizam ne funkcioniše zato što država može određivati tržišne vrijednosti.


When applied consistently, many tenets of good parenting lead straight to libertarianism - Nathaniel Branden

“What we are up against, as I see it, is the challenge of helping people to understand that many of the tenets that the best parents would teach their children, applied politically, would lead straight to libertarianism.” A part from a lecture on Self-esteem and libertarianism by Nathaniel Branden, given at a Libertarian Party of California event in 2000. Source: YouTube channel.


Kada se primjenjuju konzistentno, mnoga načela dobrog roditeljstva vode pravo u libertarijanizam - Nathaniel Branden

“Ono sa čime se suočavamo, kako to ja vidim, je izazov da se pomogne ljudima da shvate da mnogi od osnovnih principa kojima najbolji roditelji uče svoju djecu, ako su primijenjeni politički, bi vodili pravo u libertarijanizam.” Isječak iz lekcije Nathaniela Brandena o samopouzdanju i libertarijanizmu, na okupljanju Libertarijanske stranke Kalifornije, 2000. godine. Izvor: YouTube kanal.


Hank Rearden: Draw My Life

The inspiring story of Hank Rearden like you’ve never seen before. Watch his journey unfold. Source: Atlas Society YouTube channel.


Hank Rearden - moj život u crtežima

Inspirativna priča o Hanku Reardenu kao što je nikada prije niste vidjeli. Pogledajte avanturu njegovog života u crtežima. Izvor: Atlas Society YouTube kanal.

