listopada 2016

Govor Ivana Pernara o vanjskoj politici Hrvatske

Ivan Pernar u Hrvatskom saboru govori o Hrvatskoj spoljnoj politici, EU i NATO.


Democracy: The Worst Rise to the Top - Hans-Hermann Hoppe

“Democracy is so to speak the guarantee that only bad people will rise to the top. And the more so the larger the country is.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe discussing why the worst rise to the top. This is an excerpt from: "The Errors of Classical Liberalism."


Demokratija: najgori isplivaju na vrh - Hans-Hermann Hoppe

“Demokratija je takorekući garancija da će samo loši ljudi isplivati na vrh. I utoliko više što je zemlja veća.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe objašnjava zašto u demokratiji najgori isplivaju na vrh. Isječak iz lekcije: "Greške klasičnog liberalizma."


Yes, I am a Neoliberal. Now, Convince Me That I'm Wrong!

  Author: Danijal Hadžovic
  Source: Liberalni Forum



We live in an era of global neoliberalism, and the world it has created is pure horror - imperial wars, religious extremism, terrible social differences, poverty, exploitation, destruction of ecosystem and the dehumanization of man - these are just some of the anomalies that characterize this era.


Libertarians Shouldn't Dream of Hillary's Common Market

  Author: Tho Bishop
  October 12, 2016

Largely overlooked by the media in light of Trump’s leaked Access Hollywood video and Sunday’s presidential debate has been the volumes of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta released by Wikileaks. One revelation that has gained some traction are some of the remarks Secretary Clinton made while speaking to Wall Street bankers, in which she takes a very different position on trade agreements than what she has taken during her campaign. One email notes a speech where she says:


We should work with the Russians in Syria not against them - David Coburn MEP

“Well, we got rid of Saddam, we got rid of Gaddafi. Neither went particularly well, did it? Now you want to get rid of Assad. It may be unpalatable, but at least he ran a secular state protecting minorities, both religious and political. The EU seems to want to change this for an Islamic state. We have a common enemy with the Russians in the potential theocratic governments in the Middle East. We should work with the Russians rather than against them. To combat the medieval religious anarchy ripping through the Middle East.” David Coburn, UKIP MEP, Debate: Situation in Syria, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 05 October 2016. Video: EbS (European Parliament)


U Siriji trebamo da radimo sa Rusima a ne protiv njih - David Coburn MEP

“Pa, otarasili smo se Sadama, otarasili smo se Gadafija. Nijedno nije završilo naročito dobro, zar ne? Sada želite da se otarasite Asada. To može zvučati neukusno, ali barem je vodio sekularnu državu koja je štitila manjine, kako verske tako i političke. EU čini se da želi da to zamijeni sa islamskom državom. Mi imamo zajedničkog neprijatelja sa Rusima u potencijalnim teokratskim vladama na Bliskom istoku. Trebalo bi da radimo sa Rusima umjesto protiv njih. U borbi protiv srednjovekovne vjerske anarhije koja prodire Bliskim istokom.” David Coburn, UKIP MEP, Debata: Situacija u Siriji, Evropski parlament, Strazburg, 5. Oktobar 2016. Video: EbS (Evropski parlament)


Real equality is equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes

Real equality is equality of opportunity, not equality of outcomes.


Prava jednakost je jednakost mogućnosti a ne jednakost ishoda

Prava jednakost je jednakost mogućnosti a ne jednakost ishoda.

