prosinca 2014

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword - James Corbett at TEDxGroningen

Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.  Source: corbettreport youTube channel.

Big Government vs. Small Government

In the battle between government models, small government is winning. Hotnomics is hosted by Emerald Robinson. Source: CFPEcon101 YouTube channel.


Velika vlada nasuprot male vlade

U bitci između državnih modela vlasti, mala vlada pobjeđuje. Domaćin Hot-nomike (Hotnomics) je Emerald Robinson. Izvor: CFPEcon101 YouTube kanal.


Kad su svi vlasnici nečega, onda tu niko nije vlasnik!

"Kad su svi vlasnici nečega, onda tu niko nije vlasnik, i niko nema direktan interes za održavanje ili unapređenje njegovog stanja. Zato zgrade u Sovjetskom Savezu - kao i državni stanovi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama - izgledaju oronulo nakon samo godinu ili dvije poslije njihove izgradnje." - Milton Friedman

When everybody owns something, nobody owns it!

"When everybody owns something, nobody owns it, and nobody has a direct interest in maintaining or improving its condition.  That is why buildings in the Soviet Union - like public housing in the United States - look decrepit within a year or two of their construction." - Milton Friedman


It is Not Government's Job to Protect Me From Myself

It is not government's job to protect me from myself.


Nije posao države da me zaštiti od samog sebe

Nije posao države da me zaštiti od samog sebe.


Upozorenje: ne hrani državu!

Upozorenje: ne hrani državu!


Warning: Don't Feed the State!

Warning: don't feed the state!

