veljače 2014

Edward Snowden: video poruka priznanja za Chelsea Manning povodom dodjele 2014 Sam Adams nagrade

Edward Snowden odaje poruku priznanja za Chelsea Manning povodom dodjele Sam Adams nagrade za integritet i inteligenciju. O ovom događaju čitajte više ovdje. Video izvor: OxfordUnion YouTube kanal.


Edward Snowden Pays Tribute to Chelsea Manning by Video: Sam Adams Award 2014

A tribute by Edward Snowden to Chelsea Manning on the occasion of her being awarded the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence. Read more about the event here. Original video source: OxfordUnion YouTube channel


Nigel Farage: Devalvacija Mediterana u status Trećeg svijeta

Mi devalviramo Mediteran i to ga vodi ka statusu Trećeg svijeta. Nikakva količina socijalističke državne potrošnje ne može da popravi taj debalans, krajnje je vreme - ako ljudi ovdje brinu o građanima Evrope, posebice onima na jugu - da mi priznamo da euro ne funcioniše za južnu Evropu, i vrijeme je da sa tim prekinemo i damo zemljama valute koje su odzražavaju njihov trenutni ekonomski status. Združena debata: Evropski semestar. Evropski parlament, Strasbourg, 25. februar, 2014. Izvor: europarl YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Jadranko Brkić


Nigel Farage: Devaluing the Mediterranean to Third World Status

We are devaluing the Mediterranean and it's leading towards Third World status. No amount of socialist state spending can mend this imbalance, and it's about time - if people here cared for the citizens of Europe, particularly in the south - that we admitted the euro does not work for Southern Europe, and it's time that we broke it up and gave countries currencies that reflected their current economic status. Joint Debate: European Semester. European Parliament, Strasbourg, 25. February, 2014. Source: europarl YouTube channel.

Translated by: Jadranko Brkic


Rory Sutherland: Perspective is Everything

The circumstances of our lives may matter less than how we see them, says Rory Sutherland. At TEDxAthens, he makes a compelling case for how reframing is the key to happiness. (Filmed at TEDxAthens.)

In its own entertaining way, this fantastic presentation makes the case for the theory of subjective value, which is advocated by the Austrian School of Economics.

Source: TED.


Rory Sutherland: Perspektiva je sve

Okolnosti u našim životima možda su manje značajne od načina na koji ih shvatamo, kaže Rory Sutherland. Na TEDxAthens, on prezentuje izazovnu priču o tome kako je promena referentnog okvira ključ za sreću.

Na veoma zabavan način, ova odlična prezentacija dotiče se teorije o subjektivnoj vrednosti koju zagovara austrijska škola ekonomije.

Izvor: TED.  Dostupni prevodi: srpski hrvatski


Schools of Thought in Classical Liberalism, part 7: Conclusion, What's Your View?

What do you think the role of government should be? Are you in favor of anarchy or minarchy? Do you believe there are public goods like defense that the government should provide, or should there be no state at all? Should the government provide a minimal welfare state, or even control the entire economy? What conclusions have you come to?

Translated by: Savo Gajic


Škole razmišljanja u klasičnom liberalizmu - 7 dio: Zaključak - Šta je vaš stav?

Šta mislite, koja treba da bude uloga države? Da li ste za anarhiju ili minarhiju? Da li vjerujete da postoje javna dobra, poput odbrane, koja vlada treba da obezbjedi, ili ne treba da postoji država uopšte? Treba li vlada obezbjediti minimalnu socijalnu državu, ili čak kontrolisati cijelu privredu? Kakve zaključke ste donijeli? Izvor: Learn Liberty YouTube kanal.

Preveo: Savo Gajić


Saša Radulović u emisiji Recite Al Jazeeri

Gost emisiji Recite Al Jazeeri je Saša Radulović, ministar privrede Srbije u ostavci. Radulović govori o razlozima ostavke i aktuelnom političkom, privrednom i društvenom stanju u Srbiji.  Izvor: AJBalkans YouTube kanal.


Natasha Srdoc - The Unfinished Work of the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Advancing the Rule of Law

For the entire video, please visit:

For the individual video clips on key issues covered at the Washington, DC, event, please visit:

