lipnja 2013

How I Self-Exiled to Preserve My Morality and Find Liberty

My personal story of fleeing the plague of corruption and bureaucracy in the post-Yugoslavia era.

What do you do when you grow old enough one day to realize that the society you were brought up in runs on deep institutionalized corruption? What do you do when the realization of your own dreams is dependent upon throwing your own moral principles out the window and playing in that same unethical game?

My story begins back in the Summer of 2005, just after I had completed a nine-year education in the United States and returned home in my native Bosnia and Herzegovina. Armed with two science degrees and four years of work experience, I was eager to be back at home, to look for opportunities and to begin changing the world around me.


Kako sam otišao u izgnanstvo da bih sačuvao moral i pronašao slobodu

Bjekstvo od epidemije korupcije i birokracije u post-jugoslovenskom periodu

Autor: Jadranko Brkic

Šta da radite kada jednog dana porastete dovoljno da shvatite da društvo u kojem ste odgajani funkcioniše na sistemu duboko institucionalizovane korupcije, i kada vam postane jasno da ostvarenje vaših životnih snova zavisi o odbacivanju vaših u djetinjstvu izgrađenih moralnih principa i igranju u toj istoj nemoralnoj igri?


Daniel Hannan: How EU Buys Journalists

Daniel Hannan talking about lack of press independence in the EU. European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg on June 13, 2013. Source: DanHannanMEP YouTube channnel.


Daniel Hannan: Kako EU kupuje žurnaliste

Daniel Hannan govori o nedostatku nezavisnosti medija u Evropskoj uniji. Plenarna sjednica Evropskog parlamenta u Strasburgu, 13. juni, 2013. Izvor: DanHannanMEP YouTube kanal.


Thomas Sowell: Assimilation And Acculturation

Professor Sowell shares his findings regarding acculturation and achievement in a multi-cultural society.

Source: LibertyPen YouTube channel.

Tony Brown's Journal show


Thomas Sowell: Asimilacija i akulturacija

Profesor Thomas Sowell govori o nalazima svojih istraživanja u vezi akulturacije i dostignuća u multi-kulturalnom društvu.

Izvor: LibertyPen YouTube kanal.

Tony Brown's Journal show


2013 FMRS u Beogradu - uvod i prvi panel

2013 Free Market Road Show u Beogradu, Srbija. Sadržaj: FMRS uvod i prvi panel.

Petar Čekerevac, izvršni direktor organizacije Libek

Mihail Arandarenko, profesor ekonomije na Ekonomskom univerzitetu u Beogradu


2013 FMRS in Belgrade - Introduction and the First Panel

2013 Free Market Road Show in Belgrade, Serbia.  Introduction and the first panel.

Petar Čekerevac, Executive Manager at Libek
Mihail Arandarenko, Professor of Economics at Faculty of Economics in university of Belgrade

Panel 1:
Chair: Mihailo Gajić (economist and blogger at Club von Neumman blog)
Keynote: Gordon Kerr (Founder of Cobden Partners)
Pavle Mihajlović (Blogger at Club von Neumannblog and economic analyist at Libek and the Political Accountability Network)
Marko Malović (Associate Professor of International Finance, Institute of Economic Siences Belgrade, UDG, University of East Sarajevo)

More details on the 2013 Free Market Road Show event in Belgrade can be found here:

Video recording sponsored by: Global Book ( )


Irish Politician Clare Daly Tells Parliament: Obama is a War Criminal

Irish socialist politician Clare Daly told the Irish Parliament Obama is a “war criminal” and “hypocrite of the century” for his remarks concerning the Northern Ireland peace process while supporting al-Qaeda in Syria and conducting a drone program responsible for killing thousands, including innocent women and children.

Source: straighttothebottom youtube channel.


Irska političarka Obamu nazvala teroristom i hipokritom stoljeća

Irska političarka Clare Daly rekla je u Irskom parlamentu da je Obama "ratni zločinac" i "licemjer stoljeća" po svojim primjedbama o mirovnom procesu u Sjevernoj Irskoj, dok u isto vrijeme podržava Al Kaidu u Siriji i sprovođenje programa ubijanja bespilotnim letjelicama, odgovornim za ubistva na hiljade ljudi, uključujući nevinih žena i djece.

Izvor: straighttothebottom youtube kanal.

